Skip a day of food every month 3 day fast once a quarter

7 day fast once every couple years

Immediately after waking up: Get sunlight exposure for at least 10 minutes

Showering warm, then max cold [if I don’t start warm, I’m not sure I could keep the habit]

I’m now showering cold effectively all days, but it’s a new habit, I’m not winter tested. Detailed instruction: Start normal/warm, apply shampoo, then while standing under the running water turn off warm and go max cold. This way, transition is easiest.

At least two runs per week

At least two strength exercise per week

At least two times mobility (table tennis, yoga, stretching works for me) Bouldering and swimming is great, full body stuff generally is Generally worth mentioning: Sex counts, too, super healthy Going to clubs every once in a while has wonderfully beneficial effects on all levels

Go to bed around the same time, get >8h of sleep

Usually, I eat OMAD around 20:30 until 22:30, then go home, brush teeth, floss (flossing has a high correlation with longevity. I’m trying to floss every day at least once), do relaxing things, then sleep around 01:00, ideally wake up after 09:00. [Honestly, both is closer to 2am and 10am but I’m reasonably consistent, so it’s alright] If done correctly, and it works for me, I can keep going max efficiency & without tiring from 9 to 21, so that’s 12 wonderful hours per day

Go on walks, minimum once, better twice, per day. Great for sunlight and circadian rhythm. For me this means learning via podcasts

Bundle things together: Usually I’m learning via podcasts while doing sports, play table tennis with people because it’s wonderfully social and maximally fun