I’ve organized the supplements that I take into an alphabet. I treat my supplement stack like an investment portfolio, where I’m thinking about the rewards and risks of each compound, individually, but also on the portfolio-level:

  1. A: EPA (Eicosapentaensäure) & B: DHA (Docosahexaensäure) (the stuff people intend to say when they say “Fish-oil”)
    1. Huberman takes 1,000mg EPA. Have taken 180mg EPA (and 120mg DHA) for years, it’s amazing, definitely a core part of what I can recommend. Going forward I’ll go with 900mg EPA & 600mg DHA until my reserves are empty, then I go with 1,000mg EPA and 500mg DHA per day. I just bought this one for that purpose. €19.99 for 120 capsules, two capsules per day for 60 days -> € 0.333 per day.
  2. C: Omega-3
    1. Did take 0.3g per day via above fish oil capsule. Haven’t thought about Omega-3 beyond EPA & DHA too much yet.
  3. D: Vitamin A-Z Tabletten (€2.85 bei DM für 100 Stück) Have been taking 1 per day, can strongly recommend – subjectively it’s a reason why I cut my frequency of illness by a very sizeable factor. High value, ultra-cheap insurance.
    1. Nonetheless, I’m currently upgrading to something like a vastly, vastly more expensive premium version of the same idea:
  4. E: AthleticGreens
    1. Founder-led company, very scientific. Used by a surprising number of A+ performing people that I’m admiring. Currently I’m taking half of one D and additionally two thirds of a scoop of AthleticGreens. Might switch to 100% E at some point, but still have lots of D, so will just split between the two for now. Sebids’ Referral link for Athletic Greens.
  5. F: NMN. Sinclair takes 1g of per day, but I’m over two decades younger, so I feel I should take slightly less. Taking less than 1g per day but more than 500mg gives me room to ramp more over time. With that said, aging is a negative compounding problem, so you want to stop it early. Lots of debate around NMN positive efficacy, but most importantly: Most likely has no detrimental effects and there are enough smart people who like it. Needs cold storage, otherwise unstable. Take it in the morning.
    1. I don’t have a great link, and this is truly expensive if you buy quality. It seems daily cost are about €1. Here’s one link. Because it’s so expensive, many take NR instead of NMN, see explanation. If you have less than €100,000 net worth, you should probably invest €365 per year in founder-led publicly traded companies
  6. G: (Trans-)Resveratrol. Sinclair takes 1g of Resveratrol per day. Take it together with fat due to absorption. Sinclair takes NMN+Trans-Resveratrol together with a spoon of high fat yoghurt.
    1. One possible product link. €89.96 for 360 pills à 500mg trans-Resveratrol, €0.25 per day.
  7. H: Vitamin D3 & I: Vitamin K2. Three to four drops of AthleticGreens’ Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2. Their D3 is from Lichen and their K2 consists 50% of MK4 and 50% of MK7. I’m not knowledgeable about MK4 yet. One drop is 1,000 IU of Vitamin D3 and 50micrograms of MK4 and 50micrograms of MK7. My thoughts on Vitamin K2. My next buy probably will be this one. €14.99 for 1,700 drops. At 4 drops per day, that’s 425 days, or €0.0352 per day. If I really had to answer in the most straight forward way what I’d recommend to take (based solely on researching people who I deem trustworthy), it’d be 3,500 IU Vitamin D3 and 75micrograms of Vitamin K2 MK7 per day. 90micrograms of Vitamin K2 MK7 per day is great, too.
  8. J: Quercetin. I’m taking one capsule containing 500mg Quercetin every day. This product, €21.90 for 120 capsules à 500mg Quercetin, or €0.1825 per day.
  9. Antihistaminics: Pill of either K: Levoceterizin or L: Desloratadin, because of own allergies, not because of something else. Preferably Levoceterizin, as Desloratadin results in me having an overly dry tongue overnight, even though it’s still better than the prodrugs Ceterizin or Loratadin. Currently I’m not using antihistaminics daily. Unfortunately, I need to use them during sports, which is inhibiting muscle growth somewhat, but I’m fairly allergic to some trees in the park, which unfortunately makes running unbearable otherwise.
  10. M: Extra-virgin Olive oil. Using a fair bit during OMAD.
  11. N: Metformin. Currently taking this during OMAD evening meal, usually 0.5g, max 1g personally, i.e. one or two tablets of 500mg each. Because I want to avoid postprandial glycemic spike, I’m taking Metformin about 10-20% into my OMAD. Metformin is a fasting-mimicking drug. It’s also flushing away ~glucose, so as a mental model, it offsets the negative effects of eating, especially eating things that spike your glucose level.
  12. O: Broccoli-Sprouts and P: Sulforaphan Brokkoli Kapseln works best in combination. My goal is to eat at least 50g of Broccoli sprouts per day from now on, - yes it really seems to be that elementary – and add one of those (180 capsules for €19.95, €0.111 per day) capsules while eating. Adding mustard seeds apparently increases absorption, too. I like the taste and I’m following through on the above combination. Here’s a link for crushed mustard seeds, which supposedly are even better than the seeds themselves, although I’m simply mixing both.
  13. Q: Kreatin / Creatine Monohydrate. 4g per day. This one seems good. €12.49 for 500mg, so if you take ~3-5g, that’s 125d for €12.49 or €0.1 per day.
  14. R: Spermidine. 1g extra per day. Weizenkeime oder Supplement.
  15. S: Alpha-GPC. New compound, haven’t experimented much.
  16. V: Ashwagandha. Trying to experiment more. Haven’t felt any effects yet.
  17. U. Johanniskraut / amber (Hypericum perforatum). Since December 2021. I want to try out the effects from SSRIs first hand, to be able to compare against psilocybin. To have some skin in the game if I’m talking about SSRIs.

Haven’t taken but going to, which is why they’re a part of my alphabet:

  1. V: Fisetin, already ordered on Amazon, will experiment, too.