Alternative title: “How to unbundle your life to stay >100 years young and healthy”

Start with the average life expectancy for your age, background, geography, wealth, education, sex, and whatever other common-sense parameters you think is reasonable for you to consider. Let's say it's “XY”, or “90” years.

FIRST think about ALL the following factors and what they could add if you don’t do them. Think about how many years you’re going to live longer viewed from a statistical perspective, compared to the average life expectancy, because the averages include all of the following:

  1. Avoidance of carbohydrates generally, sugars generally, fructose & white flour specifically
  2. Avoidance of smoking
  3. Avoidance of alcohol
  4. Avoidance of drug abuse
  5. Avoidance of inflammation
  6. Avoidance of bad substances & non-organic food
  7. Avoidance of risk of ruin probability type activities
  8. Avoidance of excessive amounts of meat, especially red meat
  9. Avoidance of stupidity
  10. Avoidance of glucose level spikes
  11. Avoidance of high protein
  12. Avoidance of sleeping pills
  13. Avoidance of bad stress, chronic stress
  14. Avoidance of depression
  15. Avoidance of poverty
  16. Avoidance of loneliness
  17. Avoidance of heavy bodily work